Monday, 12 January 2009

Not Forgetting....

We do, of course, have to talk about elephants, goats, music and time travel...


Babaroga walks with me
Shadows stretch in moonlight
Playing hide and seek 

Whispers behind bare branches
Fingers knarled and sinister
Taunting my imagination


Sunday, 11 January 2009

So, the writing thing - how does it work?

It's kinda hard to explain, but it's got something to do with dreaming, lots of it. Then putting it down in words, remembering to remember the colours, the smells, the look on people's faces.

Today it's about making sense of a large, complicated piece of work, when it would be all to easy to return to something smaller and sweeter from the past. 

Then the past always seems smaller and sweeter, and the future feels too much like a babaroga. It's important to show the babaroga that you're not scared of it!

But babarogas are very very scarey........


Hello, welcome to JAGGWorld

Stories, Poems and Novels 
For children and young people
Northern Lands by the Great Water

To always dream