Sunday, 11 October 2009


A friend reminded me yesterday of the importance of soundscape, and I learned just how much I have tuned my ears in to the immediate environment of my world - music and conversation - and how much I had forgotten about everything else.

Which is surprisingly easy to do living here, almost in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by water. So today when I went out, I listened. It was pretty quiet -the occasional car, snapping twigs under foot, river running by. But when I go back inside, it's quiet again, and the sounds become electronic. I sit here and can only hear the hum of the mac, tick and tock, tv left on in the other room, tap tap tap on the keys in front of me. Stop. Tap tap tap, tick and tock. Stop. Deep breath. Stop.

I think I will play with sound for a wee while.....

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Murder on the Mound (for the older and more sturdy)

The treecreepers are watching us. Recording everything we say, filming everything we do. Ever wondered about that little sweet silent birdie in the tree by your home?

He's not that sweet, but he isn't a baddie either.....

And there's more...

In the city, with a castle and a dungeon, the director has been conjuring. Are you ready for him?

Do you want to meet all his friends?